Friday, June 24, 2005

Get Off the Line! I'm Waiting on a Call from MENSA!!!

Your IQ Is 140

Your Logical Intelligence is Genius
Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius
Your General Knowledge is Genius

Thanks to Sylvana and her totally bitchin' blog Syllogism for this link, and for helping me to realize the full potential of my incredible godlike intelligence. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go integrate some logarithms or something. You wouldn't understand...


Rachael said...

Oh. Good, as if the world needed this... ;-)

Found your place from IX's place.


John said...
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John said...

I only got 105, until I realized that you can just hit "back" and change your answers until they're right. Now, I'm a certified genius.

Irb said...

Rachael: Well now that you're here, I hope you'll stick around and enjoy my hospitality. Hillbilly, that is. Sit a spell. Take your shoes off.

John: After I took the test the first time, I got to wondering how it would handle somebody who was retarded (or to put it more diplomatically, in the lower 51% of the American voting public). So I went back and answered all of the questions wrong. If you do that, you end up with an IQ of 60 and a Below Average in all four categories. You also get automatically added to Sean Hannity's mailing list...

Sylvana said...

Is that so Sean has someone to talk to?

Hey thanks for the brilliant plug! I'm glad to have you onboard, Master Genius. I bow to your superiority.

Anonymous said...

Geez... and an ordained minister and now a freakin' genius. This is going to be a long summer.


The Snakehead said...

Mensa sucks. Don't join them. They rip people off.