Saturday, April 16, 2005

The Worst Halftime Show... EVER!!!

Jesus A. Sandwich! Finally, a video that manages to make even the marching band look cool by comparison! Click here, and let the deep hurting begin...


SJ said...

oh my god. It's obvious that they are 'special' but are they deaf?Seriously. I'm serious.

HappyFunBall said...

I was thinking the same thing, since a few of them had the Deaf 'accent' going on.

Irb said...

God, I hope they're not deaf. I'd hate to be responsible for linking to anything that was a) inspirational, or b) an example of the indomitable human spirit.

I like to think it was the high school's local Dungeons and Dragons club, taking time out from slaying elves to regale the jaded crowd.

I mean, come on. The kid in white? You KNOW he had 20-sided dice in his pocket! You could just TELL!