Saturday, March 17, 2007

It's Neo-Con! It's Inspirational! It's Neo-Conspirational!

Ever wonder what Karl Rove has hanging on his office wall? I mean, besides the upside-down crucifix and the still-squirming kitten? Well, wonder no longer. Instead, gaze upon these inspirational posters and be borne unto a magical fantasy land that exists only in the minds of Bush and his ever-dwindling throngs of supporters!


totalkaosdave said...

My GOD Irb! You're back! Have you forgotten me, Cracker, at Uncivil Rights? Well, now a friend of mine and I have a radio show on BlogTalkRadio. Go over to Total Kaos at We are going to be live Thursday at 6pn CST. Please listen and CALL IN! Be our liberal friend! Call and harass us! I will look forward to hearing from you.

Silver said...

These are fantastic!

I think I'm going to print one out and frame it to hang on my new office wall!

Sylvana said...

Love Them!!
I can see these in the offices of Red Bull swilling head set jockeys everywhere.

SourKraut said...

Michael Moore is a Red Raider?
It figures!

Nat said...

I'm not sure why but I NEVER get tired of those posters. The motivational company that started those should have known what they were in for. Bush is a complete joke.