Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Two More Things...

Helen Philpot, irascible geriatric and total GMILF, just spent the last couple of weeks subjecting herself to Ann Coulter's most recent book and blogging about her experience on Margaret and Helen. My favorite quote from her ordeal:
And whenever you hear about two monkeys and a sloth getting together with a typewriter know that either another Coulter book is about to hit the bookstores or Rush Limbaugh is having an OxyContin hallucination.
Also, I just discovered, to my great joy, that I'm currently the #1 ranking website on Google for the phrase "ann coulter's gaping anus of a mouth."

God bless America!


Unknown said...

Between the GMILF bit and the cause for the google ranking... how can you even follow that?! (But please do think of something!)

Irb said...

Ironically, now if you search on Google for "ann coulter's gaping anus of a mouth," it returns THIS VERY POST! How meta!

The Imaginary Reviewer said...

Aaaah ha ha ha! That post alone just put you in my favourite blogs and I only just found you three minutes ago.